
Newton Community League is committed to achieving a healthy, safe and friendly environment by providing information, programs, support and resources to enhance the sense of community for Newton Residents.

The community of Newton is a quiet area just north of the river that features tree-lined streets, quaint houses and friendly faces enjoying a walk around the block. Approximately 3,000 people call the area home, and most have put down roots. According to city statistics, more than 65% of Newton’s residents have lived in the neighbourhood for more than five years.

Join Us for Exciting Programs


Urban Poling/Nordic Walking is a year-round outdoor activity for people of all ages and abilities.


Enjoy a hands-on cooking class where participants each make an appetizer, main course or dessert and take home what they make.

Pilates Fusion

Learn how to find and work your body's intrinsic muscles that help you move through the day. Align the spine to improve posture.


Align the spine to improve your body's posture, functional movement, balance, breathe, strength, and more.

Board Notifications

All residents are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting (AGM) and monthly General Meetings. Please visit our League page for dates and our Membership page to purchase your membership.

Around Town Updates