Rental Info
Monday – Thursday | $150
Friday | $250
Saturday | $350
Sunday | $250
Holiday | $350
Damage Deposit | $500
Newton Community League has partnered with Duuo to give our event hosts access to a preferred rate on coverage. To get a quote and purchase a policy, please click HERE. Don’t forget to look out for the “Duuo Partner” tag when purchasing.
Liquor License | Click Here
115 Capacity
Newly renovated
Bar & Kitchen Combo area
Washrooms with touchless features
26 x 6 foot rectangular tables
115 folding chairs
Performance stage
Security & Alarm System
(AED) Automated External Defibrillator
Large kitchen
2 stoves with ovens
2 microwaves
Commercial fridge
3 commercial beverage coolers
Deep Freezer
Commercial sink
Ice Maker